Less Pollution. Lowering the sulfur content of heating oil to 15 ppm drastically reduces the amount of emissions and air pollution, Reduces Heating Oil Odors, Great Fuel Savings at No Added Cost.
Why catalytically cracked fuel forms sludge more quickly. Although new cracking technology helps refiners match supply to demand (more gasoline in the summer, more heating oil in the winter, and more of both anytime), it produces a less stable product.
About half of all unscheduled service calls are related to sludge in the fuel. This costs our industry and customers financially.
Catalytic cracking isn't going away -- it has too many advantages. But to give our customers a reliable product-the kind of product they expect from us - it must be stabilized with a high quality additive.
Today's catalytically cracked heating oil generates solids at an accelerated rate causing a significant increase in fuel related service calls compared to straight run fuels of years past. Microbial life, oxidation, water, changes in our distribution channels and other refinery changes also contribute to this rapid accumulation of gummy "black stuff" in today's heating oil. This chemical activity is called repolymerization. It also contributes to poor combustion, excess soot, and smoke. Water and microbial life also promotes internal tank corrosion and rust.
UltraGuard fuel additive allows your system to run smoothly by keeping fuel nozzles clean and preventing gums and tars from collecting in your fuel lines.
Reduce service calls therefore lowering operation cost.
JC Heating offers a heating oil treatment ULTRAGUARD- at no extra charge - that reduces the need for unscheduled heating service calls. Our additive works by stabilizing heating oil chemistry and preventing fuel oxidation, corrosion and sludge build-up. It's one more way we try harder to serve you better.
Winter Additives - To add your winter additive to your delivery, simply ask our representee at the time of delivery, $25.00 treats up to 275 Gallons.
Totally disperses water and controls waxing and gelling.
There is always water in fuel oil, but some people play down the existence of water and the problems it can create. Oil pumped from a cold delivery truck's tank into a warm basement tank causes condensation. Also, water can enter a tank when it is being filled during a humid day or rainstorm. When water interfaces with fuel oil, algae are produced in the form of sludge. Water pulls the gum from the fuel oil which builds up on the burner parts as varnish. Filters are meant to get rid of dirt not water. That leaves the water for you to contend with.
All of our staff members are friendly and courteous, ready to assist you when you call. We go above and beyond to ensure all your fuel needs are met. Your patronage is important to us, and we treat you with the respect you deserve.
50 Years of Experience CALL US TODAY - (215) 945-4833
We're proud to provide Heating Oil & Burner to service all of Lower Bucks County and Montgomery County, PA: and surrounding areas near me.