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90+ EFFICIENCY OIL BOILER Installations & Repairs

Thermo Dynamics Factory Authorized Dealer
JC Heating Installs and Services Thermo-Dynamics Boilers for Levittown PA. Homes
JC Heating installs and service Thermo-Dynamics boilers
Meets 2010 Federal Energy Tax High Efficiency Requirements
The TDX-90+ achieves 90%+ efficiency on the combustion of fuel oil.
The oil boiler is uniquely configured with standard controls, standard oil burners and a simple design that is easy to install, set-up and operate.
Firing rate of GPH                .90  -     1.00 -    1.10
Input  Capacity BTU/ HR  126,000  140,000  154,000
Direct Vent  =  No Chimney Required
Boiler for Levittown homes
CWL Series Boiler design for Levittown Boiler Replacements
This series can be installed in Levittown homes because of its special :
zero clearance to combustables. Fits under Existing Levittown Boiler Covers and in Levittown Jubillie Hallway Closets
A 5- GPM hot water coil couple with 15 gallons of hot water stored BTU's provide plenty of domestic hot water.
Chimney Required 
Cleanings, Tune-Ups, Repairs and Replacements 
Call our Service Department for a free estimate:  215-945-4833
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